Outdoor fire pits are a great way to relax and get together with friends and family. For these good times to go on and on we need to attend to that fire.
Poking the fire is when we move the wood around inside the fire pit to allow airflow for warmer, brighter, and bigger flames. It is essential to move the wood around inside the pit or fireplace to allow the unburnt wood to flame up and keep the ash from building around what is already burnt. Airflow is the primary factor in your fire being a success or a smoky burnout.

There are many types of pokers that range in a wide variety of prices. Pokers are made of steel or iron, however, some are made from wood. Whichever style you choose, poking the fire is essential.
Wooden Fire Pit Poker
Wooden pokers are generally the cheapest and if you look in the woods, sometimes free. These types of fire pokers are generally only temporary and cannot be re-used. As you use your wooden poker it will become noticeably shorter in one fire. Wooden pokers fortunately, are easily replaced but bear in mind the eventual added cost.
You can purchase wooden type pokers at local hardware stores, sporting good stores, and usually campground stores. Again, if you look in the woods you generally can find a nice stick that will serve the purpose of a poker.
Steel Fire Pit Poker
Steel pokers are much more durable and can last for years of use as they do not burn up in the fire like their wooden counterparts. Steel or iron pokers are forged usually at about three feet long and have some type of hooked handle for grip.
When considering a steel or iron poker keep in mind that heat travels through these materials rather quickly so a good handle is very important. These types of pokers can be found at your local hardware stores, fireplace providers, and also at your local sporting goods store. The price point for the steel pokers can range from ten dollars and up. Some can be very pricey depending on the store and the manufacturer.
Poking Fun
Whether your fire pit is in your house, in your back yard hangout, or out in the woods on a weekend camping trip, tending to the fire will make a difference in a great night or a dud of an evening. Aside from adding new firewood, you must move the older burnt up wood around to keep the fire burning. Keeping in mind the different types of pokers available as you prepare your fire pit will make your shopping experience more enjoyable.
Final Thoughts
Go out and hold different pokers in your hand and get the feel for them. You will be much happier with a poker that is comfortable in your hand and easy for you to move around and safely stoke your fire. After you have chosen the type of poker you are comfortable using and moving around the fire remember to be safe and cautious as well as have fun too.
Browse our catalog for the widest range of fire pit pokers.